Editorial Ethics

Publication and authorship: 

The journal Arqueología y Patrimonio - AP is financed by the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia ICANH.  

The journal’s circulation is open to every reader's interest in archeological and heritage subjects, its contents are online free access. The total or partial reproduction with educational or scientific purposes of the papers published in the journal Arqueología y Patrimonio AP is possible, as long as the fount is cite. Nevertheless, for its publication in other books, journals or compilations, it requires express authorization from the Editorial Committee. Also, the journal commits to consult the correspondent authorisation from other editorials in case of interest in reproducing a previously published article.  

Arqueología y Patrimonio AP just accepts unpublished and original proposals that allow increase the research perspectives in the archeological and heritage fields. The articles presented to the journal are not simultaneously in the evaluation process, nor have editorial agreements with no other publication.  

Responsibilities of the author:

The submission  of articles have to be through the OJS platform from the journal as indicated in the manual that you have in  https://revistas.icanh.gov.co/index.php/ap/index, in the term established in the call. Every manuscrit sended to the journal has to fulfill the ethical principles, the stylistic guide of presentation and the edition rules that can be consulted in the Authors Manual and the Ethic Declaration from the journal.    

The authors are responsible for the content of their manuscrits and they compromise to inform the Editorial Team  in case of finding an important mistake in the content of their already published articles, in order to make the appropriate corrections. The authors guarantee that their papers and the associated materials are original, unpublished and they do not infringe the copyright.  In case of co-authorship it is necessary that all the authors accept, through the written consent, to the publication of the final version of their article.  

It is important to consider that the journal Arqueología y Patrimonio AP won't receive articles that are a product of “guaqueria” activities or non autorice intervention of the heritage. The authors and their works have to respect the current archeological legislation, as well the communities who are linked to the archeological heritage studied.  This is important in order to keep the originality of the papers and the copyrights, also, to keep a professional ethics and be responsible with the discipline’s job.

Responsibilities of the article reviewer:

The article reviewers compromise to respect the confidentiality pact that is necessary to accomplish a transparent evaluation process, guaranteeing that the article review will be objective, informed, critical, constructive and impartial. The approbation or rejection of an article will base just on its relevance inside of the speciality of the journal, its originality, its scientific quality, and the achievement of the editorial norms of the publication.  

The examiners guarantee fulfill with the established deadlines or, if it is not possible, inform the Editorial Team of the journal with enough time. Moreover, they compromised to not use the articles in revision, without consulting previously to the journal’s editor and the original authors of the manuscrit. 

Editorial Board and Staff Responsibilities:

The editorial committee is responsible for defining the editorial politics and respecting them, with the objective that the journal achieve the quality standards for its national and international recognition. The editor is in charge of the continuous and rigorous revision of these parameters in order to ensure that the journal contents satisfy the expectations from the academic community  to which it is directed, and the general society. 

The editorial committee compromises to  public correction, clarifications and rectifications of the journal’s contents when the situation warrants it. The editorial committee will be the principal responsible to select the articles with the most quality to be published, and they guarantee that this process be product from a clear evaluation, whose only priority is to review the quality, relevance, originality and the contribution level to the discipline in each article. Additionally, it ensures that the articles’s evaluation and selection do not take into account the race, the sex, the sexual orientation, the religion, the country of origin, the citizenship or the political orientation or the authors.   

The journal guarantees the confidentiality of the evaluation process and of the possible clarifications or complaints that an author wants to express to the committees or the article reviewers. 

The journal Arqueología y Patrimonio - AP is especially strict in relation to the copyright, therefore any text that is identified as plagiarism will be removed from the journal and will not be published. In those cases, the editorial committee will take responsibility to act as soon as possible. 


The basic principles the jury must abide are the following:

  • Only articles about the specialized topic of Fronteras de la Historia will be reviewed by the jury. The reviewer must be in proper conditions for the paper evaluation.
  • Confidentiality must be respected, any detail about the article or the reviewing process should not be revealed. The contact between the author and Fronteras de la Historia, during and after the evaluation, will exclusively be done by the Journal staff.
  • Any information obtained during the evaluation process must not be used by the jury for personal benefit, nor to discredit or harm other individuals.
  • It is mandatory to declare any conflict of interest that might arise when assigning the articles to the reviewers, and to request counseling with the Journal staff if there is a doubt about the relevancy of a particular interest.
  • The author’s nationality, religious and political beliefs, gender or any other personal aspect, must not influence the reviewer. Commercial reasons are also irrelevant to the evaluation process.
  • The evaluation must be objective and constructive. Hostile and defiant attitudes, and defamatory and humiliating comments should be refrained.
  • It is important to understand the reviewing process as a reciprocal one. The jury must commit the evaluation in a fair manner, respecting the established deadlines.
  • Professional and personal information should be provided to the Journal. The jury must be honest about their expertise in the study field that will evaluate.

The journal requests that every participant in the process, authors, evaluators, members of the editorial committee, express in a timely manner if there exists some type of conflict of interest regarding the works presented to the magazine.