Of "Of the relaxation of regular observance, little respect for the authority of my Royal justice and scandal detrimental to the public":

Causes, processes and consequences of the misconduct of religious in the Royal Court of Quito, Viceroyalty of New Granada, a study of case (1785-1789)


  • Juan Jeremy Cárdenas Pescador Universidad del Valle




religious, justice, religious orders, Catholic Church, 18th century


The intention of this research work is to make known the multiple vicissitudes that developed in relation to the enforcement of a court order in the Royal Court of Quito, in which the accused were a group of eight religious belonging to the Dominican and Franciscan Orders. The documents related to the execution of the order will be taken. We will also make use of the compilation of the laws of the Indies to understand the juridical section. In the first instance, an approach will be made towards the acts executed by the friars and the reasons for which they were judged by the judicial organisms. Secondly, the beginning of the writ, the intervention of the king, the penalty that was sentenced and its execution will be discussed. Finally, we will indicate the consequences that the religious experienced after the application of the order, taking into account the final details of the execution of the order.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Pescador, Juan Jeremy. 2023. “Of ‘Of the Relaxation of Regular Observance, Little Respect for the Authority of My Royal Justice and Scandal Detrimental to the public’: : Causes, Processes and Consequences of the Misconduct of Religious in the Royal Court of Quito, Viceroyalty of New Granada, a Study of Case (1785-1789)”. Artificios. Revista Colombiana De Estudiantes De Historia, no. 23 (December):10-42. https://doi.org/10.22380/2422118X.2564.


