“Intervening in reality”: Political Uses of Indigenous Video in Bolivia


  • Gabriela Zamorano Villarreal Museo de Quai Branly




Audiovisual Indigenous Communication, “intervening in reality”, Bolivia


This article discusses how a group of indigenous media makers from Bolivia that participate in the “National Plan of Indigenous Communication” (Plan Nacional Indígena Originario de Comunicación Audiovisual) uses video technologies as a way to “intervene” in the political reality of the country. Through ethnographic analysis, this paper explains how the video production process creates, with the collaboration of “non-professional” indigenous actors, leaders, authorities and communicators, a common space for debate and negotiation on realities that have not been visible at a national scale, with the goal of imagining alternative political futures. It includes a discussion about: 1) The ways in which videos build on the personal experiences and historical memory of communicators, actors and communities at the moment of developing characters and stories. 2) The specific uses of video technological qualities. The conclusion is a reflection about the significance of life experience in contemporary indigenous discourses.


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How to Cite

Zamorano Villarreal, G. . (2009). “Intervening in reality”: Political Uses of Indigenous Video in Bolivia . Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 45(2), 259–285. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X.1001



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