Analysis of Skeletal Indicators of Stress in Middle and Late Holocene Populations from the Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia
Bioarchaeology, skeletal stress indicators, Preceramic, sabana de BogotáAbstract
This paper shows the comparative analysis of non-specific skeletal stress indicators applied to 113 individuals from the preceramic period in sabana de Bogotá, Colombia (8000-3000 14C B. P). The methodology used allows an approach to life conditions and to establish how changes in the subsistence systems at the end of this period could influence health status. The results showed an increasing temporal trend in the frequency and severity of some skeletal indicators.
Taking into account the archaeological context, this phenomenon had no association with the deterioration in the overall living conditions, but rather with population growth, changing diets and the increase in contacts among groups related to the development and dispersion of horticulture.
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