Defending territories from exile. Displacement and reconstruction in contemporary Colombia Andrés Salcedo Fidalgo


  • Andrés Salcedo Fidalgo Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Forced displacement, migration, urban reconfiguration, Colombia


In this article I analyze how forced displacement is understood by different population groups and the articulations that this bellicist geopolitics presents between war, social movements and urban reconfiguration. Drawing on displaced people testimonies I explore the complex task of remembrance of place which counters the dominant discourses of humanitarian neutrality. I also examine the discourses of ethnic movements about their past and for the defense of territory and culture in the city. I propose the term “reconstruction” to account for the activation of new social and political spaces that the newcomers establish not only with the communities they left behind but with migrants of their own kin, ethnic groups, or ideological affiliations, already settled in the capital.


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How to Cite

Salcedo Fidalgo, A. (2008). Defending territories from exile. Displacement and reconstruction in contemporary Colombia Andrés Salcedo Fidalgo. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 44(2), 309–335.



Movilidad y trayectorias de reconstrucción