The State Archives: Domination and Colonization in Northwest Amazonia, 1963-1979


  • Esteban Rozo Pontificia Universidad Javeriana



State formation, colonization, Amazonia, National Front


This paper explores the ways in which the State tried to incorporate to the nation’s political body both Indians and settlers in Northwest Amazonia. Based on official documents found in the archive of Inírida, Guainía, this article analyzes how Indians and settlers were made objects and subjects of colonization. The construction of the rule of the State was mediated by practices that included the regulation of everyday life, the creation and promotion of indigenous organizations such as the Juntas de Acción Comunal, JAC, and practices at the margins of the law that were informed by specific racial and gender ideologies. This article unearths the particularities that the State formation acquired in Guainía before and during the National Front.


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How to Cite

Rozo, E. . (2010). The State Archives: Domination and Colonization in Northwest Amazonia, 1963-1979. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 46(2), 307–326.



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