Producing the indian mother at school: rethinking gender and public and private space


  • Véronique Benei Ecole Des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales



Incorporation, sensorium, senses of belonging, nationalism, India, gender


This article seeks to reconceptualise the private/public space dichotomy through a rethinking of gender production in nationalist discourses and practices and in particular through the socialisation processes largely occurring in the space of school. Here, I pursue the demonstration that cultural and social productions of regional and national identifications within the context of formal education are not only central to the making of the disciplinary institution of schooling, of modelled and disciplined bodies, and of “normalised” persons, but also co-substantial to the production of gender discursivity and corporeality.




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Author Biography

Véronique Benei, Ecole Des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales






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How to Cite

Benei, V. (2006). Producing the indian mother at school: rethinking gender and public and private space . Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 42, 55–97.



Nuevas prácticas y representaciones de género