Beyond writing: the epistemology of collaborative anthropology


  • Joanne Rappaport Georgetown University
  • Mariela Eva Rodríguez Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



Collaborative ethnography, co-theorization, ethnographic methodology


Ethnography is generally understood as a representational strategy, a form of writing and to a lesser extent, as a research methodology. This article, based on collaborative ethnography with Colombian indigenous researchers, suggests that ethnography is more than a written text or a method of collecting data, but a critical space in which anthropologists and our interlocutors can engage in co-theorization (the creation of new analytical constructs). The opening up of ethnography to such possibilities, particularly in cases of collaboration with grass-roots organizations, is not simply of ethical import, but holds the potential of contributing new theoretical insights to our discipline.


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How to Cite

Rappaport, J., & Rodríguez, . M. E. . (2007). Beyond writing: the epistemology of collaborative anthropology. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 43, 197–229.



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