Is there still room for ethnographic work?


  • Alcida Rita Ramos Universidad de Brasilia



Auto-ethnographies, research ethics, fieldwork, ethnography in Brazil


Fieldwork among indigenous peoples has gone through some deep changes both in brazil and elsewhere in Latin America and the world. Negative reactions to ethnographers have been on the increase as indigenous people regard ethnographic research as a sort of undue appropriation of their knowledge for purposes alien to them. In this context it would be sensible to revise the role of traditional ethnographers so as to open space for auto-ethnographies. This would mean to shift the position of the academic ethnographer from center stage to the role of supporting actor in the process of ethnographic production. Based on my long-term experience in the Brazilian Amazon, I examine the concepts of commitment and disengagement in anthropological work in relation to the emergence of indigenous auto-ethnographies.


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How to Cite

Ramos, A. R. . (2007). Is there still room for ethnographic work?. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 43, 231–261.



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