Capital-money of the program Children’s Universal Allowance for Social Protection in a marginal neighborhood of Paraná, Argentina


  • Andrés Dapuez Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER) / Conicet / Observatorio de Transformaciones Socioeconómicas (ANID/PCI/Max Planck Institute), Chile



human capital, conditional cash transfer, Children Universal Allowance for Social Protection, anthropology of capital, capital-money


In this paper I analyze the case of a mother and her child, beneficiaries of the Universal Child Allowance,
a conditional cash transfer that requires the minor’s schooling. School dropouts and the sporadic entry
of young people into the labor market trigger domestic disputes and short-term and long-term economic
projections on what various authors have called human capital and money-capital, central notions in these transfers. As both beneficiaries interpret the educational requirement of the program as a necessary condition to achieve a better life, I conclude that the designers of public policy and their recipients coincide in characterizing an increasingly popular form of money from which future economic returns are expected, as if it were an investment.


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How to Cite

Dapuez, A. (2020). Capital-money of the program Children’s Universal Allowance for Social Protection in a marginal neighborhood of Paraná, Argentina. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 57(1), 99–124.