Notes on the notion of social representation in contemporary sociology: the concepts of simulacra and habitus


  • Lília Junqueira Universidade federal de pernambuco



Social theory, epistemology in the social sciences, representation, simulacra, habitus


This article examines the importance of studying the sociological concept of social representation given the epistemological shift in several social sciences from an economic towards a cultural emphasis. Drawing on its presence in classical social theory as well as in contemporary concepts such as Jean Baudrillardtds simulacra, and Pierre Bourdieu and Norbert Elias habitus, I argue that both are indispensable, within their specific discussions, for explaining contemporary sociocultural phenomena. 


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Author Biography

Lília Junqueira, Universidade federal de pernambuco

Professor and researcher of the postgraduate program in sociology at the federal university of pernambuco, brazil


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How to Cite

Junqueira, L. . (2006). Notes on the notion of social representation in contemporary sociology: the concepts of simulacra and habitus . Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 42, 157–177.



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