Communities of conversation: the construction of legal and personal cases in a rural legal office


  • Silvia Monroy Álvarez University of Antioquia
  • Carolina Llanes Guardiola University of Antioquia



Legal Anthropology, law assistance office, Antioquia, peasants, conversation communities


This article presents an ethnographical experiment carried out in the legal ASIStance office in Fredonia (Antioquia). It analyses how the law student and the client create their own cases, both juridical and personal. The text focuses on the construction of the legal case, which shows how the lawyer produces the facts, and the creation of a personal case by clients. The process has three main characteristics: the personal story and the lawyer's translation are both constructed simultaneously; the chronological narration of facts is especially important, and it involves a performance. In short, the article illustrates the clash between two forms of representation: the lawyer's, based on specific knowledge, and the client's, based on local strategies.


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How to Cite

Monroy Álvarez, S. ., & Llanes Guardiola, . C. . (2006). Communities of conversation: the construction of legal and personal cases in a rural legal office. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 41, 75–106.



De vuelta al campo. Nuevas aproximaciones a lo rural