Embodied persons, multiplicities and extensions: an approach to the notions of body and person among the tobas (qom) of the Argentine Chaco


  • Florencia C. Tola Amerindian Ethnology Research Team




Notion of person, body, individuation, Argentinean Chaco


The following article analyzes notions of personhood and embodiment among the toba (qom) indigenous group living in the argentinean chaco, deploying a number of concepts derived from ethnographic fieldwork. Using two myths of central importance for the Toba, I analyze the role of bodily possession in the definition of personhood and the differentiation between the human and the non-human. I then address some of the criteria used for defining the existence of human and non-human persons that have a body and those that do not. Finally, I analyze the characteristics that make up Toba notions of the body as they relate to the collective construction of the body and its role in the circulation of components coming from other persons-bodies.


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Author Biography

Florencia C. Tola, Amerindian Ethnology Research Team

Associate Researcher

Amerindian Ethnology Research Team


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How to Cite

Tola, F. C. . (2006). Embodied persons, multiplicities and extensions: an approach to the notions of body and person among the tobas (qom) of the Argentine Chaco. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 41, 107–134. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X.1204



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