AIDS policies and subjects in Brazil and Colombia


  • César Ernesto Abadía-Barrero Harvard University



Health policies, AIDS, social medicine, privatization, Colombia, Brazil


Based on historic, ethnographic, and in-depth interview research data, this article analyzes the Brazilian and Colombian responses to the AIDS epidemic and proposes associations among these responses, the subjects who have designed and implemented them, and the countries’ health care reforms. Data suggest that the health care policies, the AIDS responses, and the thoughts of the people involved in these processes are linked and that such linkage has a relationship with a historical moment of leftist ideologies in Brazil and rightist ideologies in Colombia.


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Author Biography

César Ernesto Abadía-Barrero, Harvard University

Research associate at the Department of Social Medicine, Harvard University, the Department of Social Sciences of the Universidad de los Andes and ICANH


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How to Cite

Abadía-Barrero, C. E. . (2005). AIDS policies and subjects in Brazil and Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 40, 123–154.



Anthropological perspectives on public health