The physiognomy of the public and the private in Bogotá: identity and perception in urban spaces


  • María Teresa Salcedo Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History



sensory perception, appearance, spatial representation, habitus, identity, mimesis, alterity, historical unconscious, heteroglossia


This text elaborates the relationship between practices of sensory perception, bodily habits, representation and cultural difference in Bogotá’s urban spaces. Of theoretical significance here are the notions of “mimesis and alterity” as they are deployed in recent post-structural approaches to a social, cultural and historical understanding of everyday life, pointing towards the embodiment of this appearance as a perceptual practice of dispositions. Urban life, its utterances and “senses of place” appear here in a context of “heteroglossia” where the representation of language asserts the difference as well as the similarities found between the ethnographer’s and the informants’ data and various class habitus.



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Author Biography

María Teresa Salcedo, Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History

Researcher at the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History


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How to Cite

Salcedo, M. T. (2003). The physiognomy of the public and the private in Bogotá: identity and perception in urban spaces. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 39, 41–70.



Views and routes in the city