The mixed race. Chicago under the tropics or the heuristic virtues of mestizo
Mestizaje, racial discrimination, multiculturalism, Brazil, ColombiaAbstract
In their analyses on miscegenation or mestizaje in Latin America and the Caribbean, North American researchers have traditionally identified a “racial” continuum, a harmony of interethnic relations contrasting with the bi-polarization and conflict that characterizes them in the United States. This idealized image of the southern part of the continent hides nevertheless, the permanence of a strong discriminatory socio-racial organization inherited from the Colonial period. The author, through a re-reading of the Chicago sociological tradition (Park, Hughes and Goffman), questions the scope of their concepts, reinterpreting them in the light of Latin America and the Caribbean’s recognition of multiculturalism, particularly in Brazil and Colombia. She proposes her own analytical perspective for understanding the mechanisms for the transition-if there ever was one-from mestizaje to multiculturalism.
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