A quilt. Elements of an ethnography that envelops it

(Winning essay)


  • Luis Alberto Suárez-Guava National University of Colombia




ethnography, textuality, identity, culture, urban indigenous communities


This essay examines three topics that intersected one another during eth nographic research: cultural identity, customs –a concept allowing discussions about this type of identity– and the cultural elaboration of time. Implicit in the text, but not hidden, are reflections regarding the task of writing within anthropology –because in our milieu the real is presented through words–, the researcher’s condition as a social subject and the limits of “ethnographic authority”, that, I suppose, is not only the authority to describe, but also the authority to conceptualize.


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Author Biography

Luis Alberto Suárez-Guava , National University of Colombia

Anthropologist from the National University of Colombia


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How to Cite

Suárez-Guava , L. A. . (2002). A quilt. Elements of an ethnography that envelops it : (Winning essay). Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 38, 217–236. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X.1262



Essay contest ICANH 60 years