The two Brazilian virgins: the local and the global in Marian worship


  • Rita Laura Segato University of Brasilia, Brazil





This article examines the differences between the virgin of popular brazilian devotion represented in this analysis by an apparition that has been occurring since 1987 in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais, and the Virgin used by the members of the Charismatic Catholic Movement to signal their membership in the church –the image of Our Lady of Peace, apparition of Medjugorje–. Despite the fact that both are Catholics, one is a full symbol, polysemically representative of the local tradition as historic alterity of popular Brazilian Catholicism, while the other behaves as an icon or emblem to demarcate the “political identity” of Catholics in its confrontation with the evangelical advance.


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How to Cite

Segato, R. L. . (2001). The two Brazilian virgins: the local and the global in Marian worship. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 37, 90–111.