Corpus Christi in Tangiers: Diverse identities in a context of reethnization


  • Patrick Morales Thomas Independent researcher





The article posits a new view about the "re-ethnicfi'y'' process undertaken by the peoples of the Atanquez region, in the southeastern part of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia. the text offers a critica] analisys of the dynamics of cultural recuperation generated within the Kankuamo process of "re-ethnicity"; in it the author approaches the Corpus Christi celebration in the Atanquez Community as a space where the notions of culture and identity can be examined in the context of this process.


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How to Cite

Morales Thomas, P. . (2000). Corpus Christi in Tangiers: Diverse identities in a context of reethnization. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 36, 20–49.