Why is it that despite all this shit, this neighborhood is power? Local stories in the national spotlight


  • Pilar Riaño Simon Fraser University Vancouver, Canadá






This article describes the history of the barrio Antioquia (Medeliín) from the perspective of the memories and testimonies of its residents, and in light of the historical transformations of Medellín and Colombia in the last sixty years. It proposes a relational and situated reading of the passing of history emphasizing local processes, in this case, life in the barrio, and how they are connected with wider regional and global processes. The historic dialogue is constructed from a question around cultural identities in cultural spaces crossed by multiple violences. The article examines the way in which cultural identities are constructed and transformed from the experience of living in the barrio, individual and collective memories in relation with cultural propositions, forms of power, and macro social processes.


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How to Cite

Riaño, P. (2000). Why is it that despite all this shit, this neighborhood is power? Local stories in the national spotlight. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 36, 50–83. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X.1297