The "decent people" of Bogota. Lifestyle and distinction in the 19th century as seen by foreign travelers


  • Thomas Fischer





After the second half of the year 1830 a group of bogotanos becan to ostensively differentiate themselves from the rest of the urban population, and from the rest of the country. They exclusively gave importance to their physical image, highlighting a refinement of taste. This article examines this period, using Pierre Bourdieu´s model of "distinction ". Two books are principally used as sources. They were published in the last two decades of the XIX Century by the geographer Alfred Hettner, and the expert in humanities Ernest Roethlis Berger. These two scientists gave a very detailed ethnographic view to the "decent people of Bogotá." Obviously, these types of sources have their limitations-a topic that is discussed in the article-, such as the accuracy of some things, and the effort to give precise judgements. These sources are complemented with the observations of other travelers. References to other bibliographic sources are also included. Nevertheless, the European lifestyle cultivated by the upper classes of Bogotá served to reproduce inequalities.


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Textos de viajeros

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How to Cite

Fischer, T. . (1999). The "decent people" of Bogota. Lifestyle and distinction in the 19th century as seen by foreign travelers. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 35, 36–69.



Anthropology and history