Caciques and other ancestral paradigms: From legislation to myth in southern Colombia


  • Robert V.H. Dover University of Antioquia, Colombia





This article explores the character of indigenous historiography and the creation of historical texts in the context of current initiatives of Inga society for their sociocultural and political recuperation. Likewise, it identifies the search that Ingas are having of their historical place in the context of the Colombian state, and it establishes that Inga historiography is a "continuous process", and an interpretive too] which allows to accommodate the imperious character of historical texts and the tradition of the dominant society. The article also refers to the indigenous historiography of Canada, and examines contemporary indigenous interpretations about the existing relations between the written text of Carlos Tamoabioy and the oral tradition represented by the cacique and his texts. Indigenous historiography is discussed in relation to constitutive texts.


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How to Cite

Dover, R. V. . (1998). Caciques and other ancestral paradigms: From legislation to myth in southern Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 34, 38–65.