Procreation or adoption: crossroads between gender, power and kinship


  • Patricia Tovar





The debate about reproduction, in particular issues related to the new reproductive technologies and international adoption has touched many countries. People with enough resources have various options, poor women become providers of children, embryos, ova, and other body parts for the reproduction and adoption markets. This article examines the implications of this traffic in terms of gender and kinship. Aspects of this discussion have reached a political dimension, especially issues related to the kinds of controls that science, medicine, and social institutions impose on women´s bodies, and who has access and in what ways to these technologies, and who are the women who serve as providers of children. There is also an analysis on the transformation of families and how problematic situations become acceptable lifestyles.


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How to Cite

Tovar, P. . (1998). Procreation or adoption: crossroads between gender, power and kinship. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 34, 92–123.