Harvesting men of the lower Chocó rainforest, paleoethnobotanical study


  • Yuri Romero Picón Universidad Nacional de Colombia






As part of the Programme of Aechaeological research initiated by INCIVA on the Pacific coast of the Valle del Cauca, this palaeoethnobotanical study contributes data to help reconstruct the diet of the prehispanic populations settled in the alluvial plain of the Calima and San Juan rivers, by identification and analisis of remains of fruits and seeds recovered in archaeological contexts The study proposes a mode of use of resources in which palms and frait trees, together with the cultivation of maize, constituted the principal source of vegetable food between the second Century BC and the seventeenth century A D.


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How to Cite

Romero Picón, Y. . (1995). Harvesting men of the lower Chocó rainforest, paleoethnobotanical study. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 32, 198–218. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X.1475