Places and networks. The mediations of urban cultur


  • Michel Agier





Research into the relative significance applied to areas of a city tells us about urban identities; the study of social connections tells us about the cultures responsible for attachment to urban places and also about the reproduction or reinvention of social links in the dense, open and heterogeneous environments of contemporary societies. The popular suburb of Liberdade in San Salvador de Bahía (Brazil) is taken as a case study from these two points of view. It is a proletarian black suburb, densely populated and lively, both welcoming and threatening, conservative and -paradoxically- with a strong urban tradition: antiquity, permanence and stability are other concepts associated with it. The study attempts to determine which social bonds are responsible for the feeling of attachment to this place on the part of its inhabitants; or, put another way, how social identity is created. It seeks the source of identities linked to certain parts of the city, which define an individual as a person, and using the concept of the network attempts to determine the type of culture created by the world of urban relationships.


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How to Cite

Agier, M. . (1995). Places and networks. The mediations of urban cultur. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 32, 220–243.