The motorist: an urban case study of neighborhood construction in Bogotá


  • Soledad Niño Murcia





Much of the city of Bogotá has been built in an informal manner, the demand for housing having exceeded the provisions made by the planning sector and the State. The huge numbers of people requiring concrete solutions to their problems are not content to wait passively for something to happen; they organize themselves and actively generate a variety of quick and practical "solutions" of their own. Creativity and ingenuity thrive in the face of adversity; links are forged amongst those sharing similar socio economic situations; networks are established and relationships strengthened by the pursuit of common objectives. While all family members play a part in this complex process of city formation, the role of the woman has been overlooked and needs to be recognized.


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How to Cite

Niño Murcia , S. . (1995). The motorist: an urban case study of neighborhood construction in Bogotá. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 32, 290–302.