Darwin y la evolución biológica


  • Juan Comas




Charles Darwin, evolucionismo


Este estudio, que aparecerá como Prólogo a El Origen de las Especies, de C. R. Darwin, que edita la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en su serie "Nuestros Clásicos", en conmemoración del centenario de la primera edición de dicha obra, se incluye en este número con autorización del autor, como un homenaje del Instituto Colombiano de Antropología a la memoria del insigne naturalista inglés.


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1839.—Naturalist’s Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the countries visited during a voyage round the world. With 100 illustrations by Pritchett. Segunda edición corregida y aumentada. Londres, 1845. Edición facsimilar, New York, 1952.
1842.—Structure and distribution of the Coral Reefs. Segunda edición. Londres, 1874.
1844.—Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America. Segunda edición, Londres, 1876.
1846.—Geological observations on South America, being the third part of the Geology of the voyage of the Beagle. Segunda edición. Londres, 1876.
1851.—A Monograph of the fossil Lepadidae, or pedunculated cirripeds of Great Britain. Londres.
1851.—Monograph of the Cirripedia. 2 Vols. Londres.
1854.—Monograph of the fossil Balanidae and Verrucidae of Great Britain, Londres.
1859.—The Origin of Species by means of natural selection; or the preservation, of favoured races in the struggle for life. Sexta edición, definitiva, ampliada y corregida. Londres, 1872. Edición reciente con Introducción de Sir Julian Huxley. New York, 1958. XV + 479 pp.
1862.—The various contrivances by which Orchids are fertilized by insects. Segunda edición muy ampliada. Londres, 1877.
1868.—The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. 2 Vols. Segunda edición revisada, Londres, 1875.
1871.—The Descent of Man and selection relation to sex. 2 Vols. Segunda edición corregida (en un volumen). Londres, 1874.
1872.—The Expression of the emotions in Man and animals. Londres. Edición reciente. Philosophical Library. New York, 1955. XI + 372 pp.
1875.—The Movement and habits of climbing plants. Londres.
1875.—Insectivorous plants. Londres.
1876.—The effects of Cross- and self-fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. Segunda edición. Londres, 1878.
1877.—The Different forms of flowers on plants of same species. Segunda edición. Londres, 1880.
1880.—The Power of Movement in Plants. Londres. (En colaboración con su hijo Francis Darwin).
1881.—The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms. Londres.
BARLOW, NORA (Editor).—The Autobiography of Charles Darwin, 1809-1882. Harcourt, Brace. New York, 1959. 263 pp.
DARWIN, FRANCIS (Editor).—Life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an Autobiographical Chapter. Edited by... Londres, 1887. Edición francesa. Paris, 1888. Edición inglesa reciente. Basic Books, Inc. New York, 1959. Vol. I, 580 pp. Vol. II, 562 pp.
DARWIN, FRANCIS (Editor).—Autobiography of Charles Darwin with two Appendices comprising a chapter of reminiscences and a statement of Charles Darwin's Religious Views, by his son, Sir Francis Darwin. Watts and Co. London, 1949. 154 pp.
DARWIN, FRANCIS and A. C. SEWARD (Editors).—More Letters of Charles Darwin. Edited by... Appleton & Co. New York, 1903.
EISELEY, LOREN C.—Darwin's Century. Evolution and the Men who, discovered it. Doubleday Anchor Books. New York, 1958, 378 pp.
EISELEY, LOREN C.—Charles Darwin, Edward Blyth and the Theory of Natural Selection. Proceedings of the Amer. Philos. Society, Vol. 103, pp. 94-158. 1959.
GLASS, BENTLEY; OWSEI TEMKIN and WILLIAM STRAUS, JR. (Editors). Forerunners of Darwin: 1745-1859. The Johns Hopkins Press. Baltimore, 1959. 471 pp.
HINGSTON, R. W. G.—Darwin. Duckworth. London, 1934. 144 pp.
IRVINE, WILLIAW.—Apes, Angels and Victorians. The Story of Darwin, Huxley and Evolution. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York, 1955.
MILLHAUSER, MILTON.—Just before Darwin: Robert Chambers and "Vestiges". Wesleyan University Press. Middletown, Conn., 1959. ix + 246 pp.
PECKHAM, MORSE (Editor).—The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. A variorum text. University of Pennsylvania Press. Philadelphia, 1959.
ZIRKLE, CONWAY.—Natural Selection before the Origin of Species. Proceedings of the American philosophical Society, Vol. 84, pp. 71-123. 1941.



How to Cite

Comas, J. (1959). Darwin y la evolución biológica. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 8, 127–158. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X.1766


