Paleodiette and paleodemography in Muiscas archaeological populations (Las Delicias and Candelaria places)


  • Felipe Cárdenas Arroyo Universidad de los Andes





Stable Isotopes Ratio Analysis (SIRA) is a method for determining the relative proportions of foods ingested by humans or animals in the past. It is based on the fixatíon of Carbon 13 in bone collagen (gelatin) and bon e apatite, as well as Nítrogen 15 in collagen. Results are read in terms of C and N values. These will indicate if the specimen under study consumed more C3 or C4 plants. what was the proportion of vegetable foods in the the diet with respect to meat and whether or not there was a marine component to this diet.

Research carried out on 18 human bone samples excavated at the site of ''Las Delicias", in Muisca territory, dated between the 8th and 10th Centuries AD, indicates that the vegetal portion of the diet consisted mainly of C4 plants -most probably maize. However, spacing values (the difference between C in collagen and apatite) indicate a very high consumption of meat perhaps as much as 49% of the total diet. Still more interesting is the fact that children of one year of age and less show a higher consumption of meat than the general population, which can be interpreted as the mother's diet, indicating a preferential destination of food resources for pregnant women, or those recently bearing children.

It is also interesting to note that C3 values, indicating the comsuption of important Andean staples such as potato, are practically absent, suggesting a later introduction of these foods into the highlands.


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Author Biography

Felipe Cárdenas Arroyo, Universidad de los Andes

Centro de Estudio en Bioantropologia. Departamento de Antroplogia, Universidad de los Andes


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Arroyo, F. . (1993). Paleodiette and paleodemography in Muiscas archaeological populations (Las Delicias and Candelaria places). Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 30, 130–148.