Human body and cultural context in the Golf of Morrosquillo


  • Jorge Morales Gómez Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia





This article presents ethnographical data on anatomical and physiological notions of the human body current in a village of fishermen and woodsmen of the Colombian Caribbean coast. Villagers see close similarities between the internal organs of human beings and pigs. Kidneys are considered as the organs most prone to illness, because physical work like fishing, paddling, felling trees and sweeping directly affects them. But work is considered essential for life; the secret lies in reaching an equilibrium between working and drinking. In this paper the model of the body as a system of fluids (Bastien 1989) is seen as closely related to the model of the body as a machine for work.


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How to Cite

Morales Gómez , J. . (1992). Human body and cultural context in the Golf of Morrosquillo. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 29, 192–205.