The double bind of racialization: between blackness and indianness in the Mexico-United States border




racialization, double bind, blackness, indianness, Mexico-United States border


Based on ethnographic and archival research in the Coahuila-Texas borderland between Mexico and the United States, in this essay I examine the historical processes of racialization among the afroindian population of Negros Mascogos / Black Seminoles. I contend that the Negros Mascogos / Black Seminoles have been trapped in a double bind: since the XIX century their relations with two nation-states have led to racialization processes whereby blackness and indianness appear as mutually exclusive. However, some members of the group are reclaiming their afroindianness as a form of r esistance. T his c ase p rovides a complex p erspective a bout r acialization. It reveals the importance of understanding its dynamics from a historically, sociospatially grounded, and relational perspective that transcends nation-state borders.


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How to Cite

Gil Martínez de Escobar, R. (2022). The double bind of racialization: between blackness and indianness in the Mexico-United States border. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 58(2), 142–163.

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