Humans ∞ Robots in Mars: exploration and re-tracing of time and interplanetary space




anthropology of outer space, technological scientific drama, Latin American space exploration, extraterrestrial futures, robotic mission to Mars


This paper addresses some dimensions of the relationship humans∞robots in the exploration of outer space from the scientific-technological experience of the mission to Mars by NASA’s Martian Explorer Rovers (MER) robots (2004-2018). The work, based on socio-anthropological research on this mission on Martian terrain, traces the evolution of scientific interest in Mars observation, the scientific and technological challenges in the design of MERs, the operational dilemmas and problems (mobility, imaging, telecommunication) on the surface of the red planet, and the challenges of time synchronization for space research from Earth. Finally, we outline some paths and learnings that emerge from this experience for future Latin American space exploration.


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How to Cite

Carassale , S. ., Contreras Alcántara, J., & Martínez Pérez , L. (2023). Humans ∞ Robots in Mars: exploration and re-tracing of time and interplanetary space. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 59(2), 21–43.