On Behalf of the Peoples: Primitivisms and Post-colonialisms


  • Jean-Loup Amselle Escuela de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Sociales (EHESS) de París


populism, post-colonialism, subaltern, primitivism


This essay analyzes a certain populist inclination which can be observed in anthropology and post-colonial studies, an inclination which consists in the appropriation of a people’s image (the ethnic or the subaltern), idealizing it, portraying it as a pure and separated entity, abstracted from the flows that have influenced it throughout history, including those coming from the hegemonic classes. The spokespersons who speak in the name of these subjects (often anthropologists) intend to protect them and claim to reproduce the truth supposedly emanating from the people, constructing for instance indigenous discourses usually disconnected from the social realities of today’s communities. Here we are invited to reflect on those spokespersons, their discourses, and the way they benefit from their use of a people’s name.



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How to Cite

Amselle, J.-L. (2013). On Behalf of the Peoples: Primitivisms and Post-colonialisms. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 49(2), 207–221. Retrieved from https://revistas.icanh.gov.co/index.php/rca/article/view/281



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