Food Sovereignty and Other Sovereignties: The Value of the Commons




food sovereignty, commons, nondualistic ontologies


If the realization of the right to food depends to a large degree on food sovereignty, as it has been recently recognized, this article argues that there is an intimate relationship between food sovereignty, territorial sovereignty, and the right to the commons. Through an ethnographic approach to the role of food in non-dualistic socio-natural constructions the article questions the economicist conceptualization of common goods as resources, and it proposes to see “communities” and “resources” as part of a process of simultaneous construction, and therefore inseparable. Dialoguing with indigenous theorizations of the concept of sovereignty, the article seeks to expand the notion of food sovereignty by which to contribute to a pluralist notion of the right to food.


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Author Biography

Giovanna Micarelli, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Doctora en Antropología de la Universidad de Illinois. Profesora del Departamento de Antropología de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana e investigadora del Centro de Estudios Sociales (Universidad de Coimbra). Su publicación más reciente es el libro Indigenous Networks at the Margins of Development (Bogotá: Universidad Javeriana, 2015).


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How to Cite

Micarelli, G. (2018). Food Sovereignty and Other Sovereignties: The Value of the Commons. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 54(2), 119–142.


