Saying Discomfort and Discomfort in Saying at the Urban Margins of Buenos Aires


  • María Epele CONICET/UBA



ethnography, psychotherapies, discomforts, ways of saying


Based on an ethnography carried out in contexts of inequality and poverty (2013-2017) in the Metropolitan Buenos Aires Area, this article problematizes the relationship between discomforts associated with the material living conditions of life and the practice of psychotherapies among people with precarious and flexible jobs. The objective is to examine the ways of enunciating certain discomforts and discontents in terms of fragile and unstable assemblies, made of different materials, origins and chronologies in these social contexts. After reviewing the dominant orientations and arguments in the anthropology of suffering, these discomforts are explored as minor languages given the particular characteristics they assume in these populations.


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How to Cite

Epele, M. (2020). Saying Discomfort and Discomfort in Saying at the Urban Margins of Buenos Aires. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 56(1), 273–297.