Three Logics of Action and Reaction for the Monopolization of Seed Markets in Colombia




Genetically modified seeds, agrarian conflicts, cotton, Colombia


In addition to the expansion of intellectual property rights legislation and to the criminalization of uncertified seeds, the monopolization of seed markets is accompanied by narrative strategies. Through the analysis of three conflicts around genetically modified cotton seeds in Colombia, the paper analyses three narratives that help ICA and seed multinationals to attributed success to GM seeds and to avoid their responsibility when these seeds failed to perform as expected. These are narratives of choice, care, and disqualification that are built by ignoring the role of state intervention in the construction of markets, farmers’ care labor, and the unique qualities of ‘criollo’ conventional seeds in local ecosystems.




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Author Biography

Diego Silva Garzon, Institut de Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement

Diego Silva Garzon es economista por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, y Doctor en Antropología del Institut des Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement de Ginebra. Desde Octubre 2018 Diego realiza una estancia posdoctoral en la Universidad de Oxford gracias al apoyo del Fondo Nacional Suizo de Investigación Científica. Su trabajo se encuentra en la intersección de los estudios de ciencia y tecnología, la antropología economica y legal y los estudios agrarios. Su tesis sobre el rol de la bioseguridad en la mercantilización del algodón transgénico en Colombia ha sido reconocida con varios premios en Suiza.


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How to Cite

Silva Garzon, D. (2019). Three Logics of Action and Reaction for the Monopolization of Seed Markets in Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 55(2), 9–37.