Voices for the Transformation of Colombia”: An Unfinished Cur(at)ing of Memories about the Armed Conflict
exhibition, symbolic reparation, curatorship, museum anthropologyAbstract
In order to contribute to the understanding of museums as spaces for symbolic reparation and nonrepetition, in this article I analyze the intentionally unfinished curatorship used in the itinerant exhibition “Voices for the transformation of Colombia”, which exhibited the script for the future Museum for Historical Memory of Colombia. Making use of the conjunction of ethnography and curatorship as a form of research, I draw on my role as curator, ethnographer, visitor and mediator of the exhibition to account for aspects such as antecedents, contents, team involved, and some reactions of its audiences. I also point out possibilities and limits of considering audiences as co-narrators of this type or unfinished curatorship, and how they complete it with narrations, meetings, and interactions in the exhibition.
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