New Age in Colombia and the Quest for Indigenous Spirituality


  • Jean-Paul Sarrazin Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia



New Age, spirituality, pluralism, individualization


The purpose of this paper is to show some of the main features of what we can name (not without controversy) New Age in Colombia. Although the literature about this phenomenon in the country is remarkably absent, this is not the case in other LatinAmerican countries, and one cannot suppose that Colombia has remained untouched by a globalized phenomenon such as this one. Obviously, New Age presents particularities depending on the place where we are; one of those local characteristics in Colombia is precisely the fact that its discourses and practices have contributed to the imagining of local natives as the beholders of a certain spirituality. In the discourses that have been analyzed we can see both universalist and essentialist ideas, as well as pluralism and individualism, traditionalism and innovation: apparently contradictory combinations which are discussed here.


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How to Cite

Sarrazin, J.-P. . (2012). New Age in Colombia and the Quest for Indigenous Spirituality. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 48(2), 139–162.



Ritual, apprenticeship and Subjectivities in Religious Contexts