From the Religious to the Virtual. Outbursts of the Imagery and Recompositions of Belief Today


  • Fabián Sanabria Escuela de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Sociales de París



anthropologies of the virtual, belief today, religions


The present article is a theoretical assessment, which recaptures research developed by the author about building a bridge between the religious and the virtual, throughout belief. Emphasizing the need of approaching new study subjects through the same methods of traditional ethnology, but stressing out a displacement that cannot remain unaware from today’s mobilization of the social meaning, it is necessary to explore the category of belief, which based on certain rearrangements of the religious, may guide us to the fields of the virtual in a global scale. Therefore, before the excess-absence of occasions, venues, and individual references currently taking place in a great number of contemporary societies, what follows is to construct an anthropology able to explaining not only the alienation of sense, but also the sense of the alienation today.


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How to Cite

Sanabria, F. . (2012). From the Religious to the Virtual. Outbursts of the Imagery and Recompositions of Belief Today. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 48(2), 219–244.



Questions of Method-Excess