The Diaspora sociability: The Return


  • Wilson Trajano Filho Universidad de Brasilia



migration, remittances, popular culture, tabanca, Cape Verde


This paper seeks to analyze the effects of some Cape Verde Diaspora practices on local forms of sociability in order to demonstrate that certain people, capital and goods flows, more than agents of local transformation, contribute to the maintenance of traditional institutions. Reading the Cape Verde case in the context of the pan-African political culture I argue that some of its features are better explained as a continuity of the African cultural ecumene. I analyze the different kinds of remittances brought by migrants to a local popular culture institution whose main aim is to mutual support: the tabanca. The data analyzed in the paper come from peasant communities of Santiago island hinterland.


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How to Cite

Trajano Filho, W. . (2011). The Diaspora sociability: The Return. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 47(1), 155–192.



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