Documenting the Repertoire: The Audiovisual in the Po-ethics and Politics of Remembering


  • Catalina Cortés Severino Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Universita di Siena



montage, audiovisual practices, ruins’ ethnography, temporalities, social movements


This audiovisual and ethnographic work in process is based upon different scenarios around the memories of violence of the Proceso de Comunidades Negras (pcn), La comunidad de paz de San José de Apartadó y la Organización de Mujeres Wayuu Munsurat. It is based upon an articulation of time / image; this is, I  am interested in analyzing and working around the question on how the audiovisual practices are opening spaces to reflect upon other temporalities, on the memory as Benjamin’s ruin that should not be understood as decadence, as the past, but on the contrary, as the memory and interposition and coexistence of different times. At the same time, this project is considered as a practice and cultural production of memory through the audiovisual register.


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How to Cite

Cortés Severino, C. . (2011). Documenting the Repertoire: The Audiovisual in the Po-ethics and Politics of Remembering. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 47(1), 223–247.



Images, Memories and Ethnography