The Heritage Making as Protection Against Commodity Making: Paradoxes of Cultural Sanctions of the Equal and the Different


  • Mauricio Montenegro Universidad Central



cultural heritage, market, cultural economics, cultural singularity production


This article states that heritage is a kind of cultural production which, in its efforts to protect other cultural productions, has continuously used logics and models of isolation, opposition and valuation (taken) from the economic exchanges field. In heritage works a sort of cultural economics; therefore, studying it from this perspective may be useful to define it and to think about its limits and determinations. Besides, this article rises that the contemporary market is arranged in a cultural model I call “cultural singularity production”, weaving a net of value production which, paradoxically, finds its valuation principles in the defense of the unvaluable. This is why heritage making and merchandising are strongly related here.


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How to Cite

Montenegro, M. . (2010). The Heritage Making as Protection Against Commodity Making: Paradoxes of Cultural Sanctions of the Equal and the Different. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 46(1), 115–131.



Mercado, consumo y patrimonialización cultural en Colombia