Tattoed Bodies, Tattoed “Souls”. New Forms Of Subjectivity In The Contemporary World


  • Andrea Lissett Pérez Fonseca Universidad de Antioquia




tattoo, body, subjectivity, individuality


This article presents an ethnographic description of the contemporary tattooing practices from a conceptual perspective that prioritizes it’s meaning, the interactions and the lived experiences while being tattooed. This reflection attempts to reconstruct a holistic practice of tattoo that comprises the subjective world of actors as well as the related social dynamics. The main conclusions are: The emergence of a new aesthetic and lived “normalcy” at the heart of Western society and the configuration of a new subjectivity of those who are tattooed, as an interactive, innovative, emotional and reflexive process in which the body turns into a form of expression and a construction of the subject.


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How to Cite

Pérez Fonseca , A. L. (2009). Tattoed Bodies, Tattoed “Souls”. New Forms Of Subjectivity In The Contemporary World. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 45(1), 69–94. https://doi.org/10.22380/2539472X.985



Cuerpos en construcción: intervenciones y resistencias