Replicant Bodies. The Elusion Of The Legitimate Body In The Process Of Police Formation


  • Mariana Sirimarco Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



milongas, elusive practices, legitimate body


This article explores one of the classic corporal routines of police schools —the milongas— and the modalities of its elusion, in order to understand this resistance as a way to confront the imperative of the legitimate police body proposed by the institution. The institutional discipline, far form being a control net that encapsules all freedoms and prescribes all attitudes, is a net full of interstices and possibilities of autonomy. This text deals with these elusion practices as performed by those who enter the institution with the intention of excluding the body from disciplinary routines. Because the majority of these practices are fixed in the body, this is the most immediate terrain in which to fix the possibilities of resistance, creativity, and struggle.


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How to Cite

Sirimarco, M. . (2009). Replicant Bodies. The Elusion Of The Legitimate Body In The Process Of Police Formation. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 45(1), 95–118.



Cuerpos en construcción: intervenciones y resistencias