In Corporal Key: Knowledge, Experience and Human Condition


  • Zandra Pedraza Gómez Universidad de los Andes



Historical Anthropology, genealogy, Latin American thought, human condition, body


This article explores the intersection of areas of social research such as anthropology, sociology and history, and analyzes the case of studies of the body in Latin America. Initially it exposes how the body is understood in Historical Anthropology. Then, it shows the intrinsic knowledge- power relation as a constitutive link of understandings and experiences of the body, and points to the bodily order of efforts made in the region in order to deal with the bodily conditions of human existence. Finally, it studies specific forms of the relation between body, as historic-anthropological nucleus, and the power that is exerted over it by means of particular forms of knowledge that are contained in Latin American thought.


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How to Cite

Pedraza Gómez, Z. . (2009). In Corporal Key: Knowledge, Experience and Human Condition. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 45(1), 147–168.



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