Editorial Ethics

Publishing ethics

Declaration of ethics and good practices

The Revista Colombiana de Antropología RCA adheres to the COPE guidelines and codes of conduct.

Open Access Policy
The RCA follows the open access policy for all papers, reviews and translations published. Therefore, articles may be totally or partially reproduced, as long as they are used for scholar purposes and source is properly quoted, under Creative Commons guidelines (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC- ND; https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-types- examples/licensing-examples/#by-nc- nd). Besides the printed version, a fully open-access online version is available. Given this, authors published RCA implicitly agree to publish under this policy, thus contributing to free knowledge spread.

The journal doesn't charge authors any charge for the evaluation and / or publication of their contributions.

Plagiarism and self-plagiarism policy

The journal subjects articles to plagiarism detection software. If the analysis result indicates a similarity index greater than 30%, the manuscript will be rejected.

In case of detecting self-plagiarism or "recycled publication" in proportions that affect the originality and unpublished nature of the contribution, following the COPE guidelines to which the RCA adheres, the journal will reject the contribution: https://publicationethics.org/guidance/ Guidelines 


The RCA considers as author or authors of a work only those who participated intellectually in its conception and contributed directly in its development. Collaboration in data collection, in some methodological technique or in any stage of the process, are not enough to appear as author(s). In general terms, an author must meet the following requirements:

- Participate directly in the conception, formulation and elaboration of the research or work whose results the article is based on.

- Participate in the writing and throughout the editorial process of the text, including reviewing the comments and recommendations made by peer reviewers and the RCA´s editorial team.

The RCA declines any responsibility on possible conflicts of interest derived from the authorship of the works that are published.

Conflict of interests

The RCA requests the authors and evaluators to declare any commercial association that may suppose a conflict of interest in connection with the manuscript in the editorial process.

Editorial responsibilities

The RCA´s editorial team has the responsibility of defining editorial policies to meet the standards that situate the RCA as an academic publication of recognized national and international quality. This includes: complying with the periodicity, editorial independence, and having clear rules and procedures that ensure the quality of the editorial process and the contents that are published. The RCA maintains a respectful, honest and transparent treatment towards authors and evaluators. Continuous review of these parameters leads to the journal´s constant improvement and satisfaction of the needs and expectations of the academic community in general.

Selection of the articles to be published is the responsibility of the editorial team and peer reviewers according to criteria of quality, relevance, originality and contribution to the discipline. When an article is rejected the explanation given to the authors should be guided by these same criteria.

The editorial team is responsible for the editorial process on principles of efficiency, transparency, confidentiality and imparciality.

RCA will publish in its web page corrections, clarifications and rectifications when appropriate. In case of complaints of any kind, it will respond promptly in accordance with the rules established by the journal. If necessary, it will carry out the appropriate investigation to resolve the problem.

Once a volume is published, the RCA´s editorial team and the publications office at ICANH are responsible for its dissemination and distribution among authors, evaluators, entities with which there are exchanges, as well as national and international repositories and indexing systems. It will also send a copy to active subscribers. 

When the journal considers reprinting a published manuscript, it will request authorization from the publisher where it first appeared and from its author.

Author´s responsibilities

Authors should send the articles through the Open Journal System platform (enviar artículo) on the dates established for each call and respecting the Rules for submission: https://revistas.icanh.gov.co/index.php/rca/norm

The Journal is not responsible for the ideas and judgments expressed by the authors, who must make explicit that the text is their authorship and that they respect the intellectual property rights of third parties. Authors must also have authorizations to use, reproduce and print materials that are not their property / authorship (tables, graphs, maps, diagrams, photographs, etc.).

When submitting their contributions, the authors accept that these be submitted for review by the  RCA´s editorial team and the external peers, and agree to take into account their observations and modification suggestions. Adjustments must be made within the period indicated by the RCA.

Once the Journal receives the modified article, it informs the authors about its approval or disapproval for the publication, communicating the reasons that support the editorial decision. During the editing process of the accepted texts, the editorial team can consult the authors to resolve concerns and reserves the right to copy edit the document before sending it to the printer.

The RCA´s editorial team has the final word on the publication of manuscripts and the volume in which they will be included, as long as the authors submit all the requested documentation within the indicated time frame. Authors must authorize the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia to use the author´s patrimonial rights (reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution), by signing the author agreement, for its publication in the RCA (electronic and printed version) ). In this same document the authors confirm that the text is their authorship and that they respect the intellectual property rights of third parties.

Responsibilities of reviewers

The arbitration process will be in charge of two external academic pairs, national or international, who through double-blind evaluation will review the article based on an evaluation format with carefully defined criteria. They have the responsibility to suggest the acceptance, rejection or approval with modification of the arbitrated article. During the evaluation, the names of the authors and the evaluators are kept anonymous.

Evaluators must declare in the evaluation format if they have any conflicts of interest with the authors and with the topics on which they are going to conceptualize. If there is any doubt, the evaluator will be replaced.

License CC

When a text is approved by the editorial team for publication, the Journal requests the authors to sign the License for the publication of articles in ICANH journals, where the authors give their consent for the work to be published under the Creative Commons license, Recognition - Non-Commercial - No Derivative Works 4.0

In this same document the authors confirm that the text is their own and that they respect the intellectual property rights of third parties.

In accordance with this license, the holders of the rights to exploit the article (in Colombian legislation, economic rights) are its authors, who grant Icanh a free license for the publication and exploitation of the work.