Transnational livelihoods, organizing practices, and social remittances in central Peru


  • Norman Long Universidad de Wageningen



Migration, actor-oriented analysis, genealogies, remittances, Peru


This article examines issues of migration and translocal livelihoods in Peru. Migration constitutes an ongoing process of adaptation between networks of family and community over space and time, and requires an in-depth understanding of the nature of translocality as experienced by the particular actors involved. Based on diachronic genealogical ethnographic work, it adopts an actor-oriented analysis to understand the relations and cultural practices involved in articulating migrants with those who stay home.


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How to Cite

Long, N. (2008). Transnational livelihoods, organizing practices, and social remittances in central Peru. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 44(2), 337–372.