Animalizing to Differentiate. Narratives and Experiences of the Armed Political Conflict Among People of the Center


  • Marco Alejandro Tobón Investigador independiente



People of the Center, armed political conflict, cultural resources, politics of distinction, “wild animals”


This article aims to answer two questions. The first one: How do the Uitoto, Muinane, Andoke and Nonuya, self-named People of the Center, build cultural differences between themselves and the FARC and the army, which are present in their territory? The second one: What cultural resources do they use to take a position as differentiated unarmed subjects? Distinctions between the protagonists of the war and the populations on the Middle Caquetá River are built on the opposing notions of animal and human, the guerrilla and the army being classified as “wild animals” and the People of the Center self-conceived as “true humanity”. The author insists on naming this cultural classification that animalizes to differentiate the “politics of distinction”.


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How to Cite

Tobón, M. A. . (2010). Animalizing to Differentiate. Narratives and Experiences of the Armed Political Conflict Among People of the Center. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 46(1), 157–185.