Parkour, Bodies that Trace Urban Heterotopies


  • Jennifer Leyden Rotawisky Grupo de investigación “Estudios Sociales y TIC” de la Fundación Festival Innova Multimedia, Cali


parkour, heterotopies, autoethnography, cultures of movement, affects


This article explores the embodied experience of parkour in Bogotá, which means the way its practitioners produce nomadic subjectivities and create heterotopies in contemporary cities through the transformation of their bodies. By understanding parkour as a discipline aimed at building a body capable of doing spectacular movements and tracing multiple routes along the cities, I examine how this culture of movement and its aesthetics of existence produce flowing bodies and lines of flight. From an anthropological analysis of affects and becoming, I propose a debate on new ways of dwelling the city through body movements.


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How to Cite

Leyden Rotawisky, J. (2013). Parkour, Bodies that Trace Urban Heterotopies. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 49(2), 41–61. Retrieved from